A Biblical Perspective on Immigration [Free E-Book]

How does the Bible shape our views on immigration?

For many Christians, the answer sadly is “Hardly at all.” Immigration feels like a political issue. The Bible seems irrelevant in a conversation focused on law and fairness and economics.

Whatever you believe about the politics of immigration, if you follow Jesus, you probably seek to submit yourself to God’s Word. This will not automatically twist your politics in a specific way. Christians can in good conscience vote a variety of ways.

But what we can’t and don’t want to do is to view immigrants (or anyone else) without the lens of Scripture in place.

Check out this free downloadable E-Book on "A Biblical Perspective on Immigration" that includes an intro, 8 essays, and a “for further reading” section. Discuss it with your church, community and with those from different backgrounds and perspectives than you.

And most importantly, as you read this E-Book, be sure to see what the Bible has to say for yourself. 

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About the Author

Steve Tamayo serves as the Special Projects Director for LaFe, InterVarsity's Latino Fellowship.

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