Can I Hang a Poster?

A Script for Approaching Your Campus

BUILD RELATIONSHIPS AND TRUST with leaders or administrators on campus who work with Native students, perhaps in a Native or Diversity Center on campus...

It is so nice to meet you! I wanted to give you this gift [e.g. pound of coffee] as a thank you for making the time to talk with me. I wanted to find out what programs exist for Native students on campus and how my org, InterVarsity, could help support you.

Potential questions:

  • Where do you see Native students succeed most on campus? (What contributes to that success?)
  • Where do Native students face the most challenges as students? (What contributes to those challenges? What do you think they need to overcome those challenges?)
  • What attracted you to this job?
  • What have been some of your highlights? Struggles?

InterVarsity is a national campus Christian ministry and we have about __ (number) __ of students involved here. We want Native students to be able to check out Jesus in our group while honoring their families and traditions. We believe every person and culture reflects the Creator in a special way, so we miss out if Natives aren’t involved. I’ve noticed that although many ethnic groups from campus are present in our chapter, we do not have many Native students involved and I’d love your advice on how InterVarsity could be more welcoming to Native students on campus and to serve the Native campus community.

Allow their response -- be gracious and receptive. DO NOT interrupt -- in majority culture it is ok for people to talk over each other, especially when they are expanding on each other’s ideas -- this behavior will be perceived as very rude by a Native person and could cause them to stop talking with you.


  • Are there things coming up on your calendar that we can help you with? Marketing? Food? Clean up?
  • Do you mind if I hang a WJEF poster/small group announcement poster here in this center?
  • Do you know of any Native American students who might be interested in learning more about InterVarsity?

Video Webinar: Hanging WJEF posters to create relationships
