7 Essential Elements for a Ferguson Discussion at Your Church [free ebook]
February 02, 2015
By Daniel Lui and Sarah Lee
The Sunday following the non-indictment of officer Darren Wilson, we had the opportunity to host a discussion and prayer gathering in the English congregations of our Chinese immigrant churches. We are both second generation Chinese American, InterVarsity staff in the Pacific region, and currently attend Chinese immigrant churches.
Our churches have multiple congregations for English, Mandarin, and Cantonese speakers. Growing up in the Chinese immigrant church, we have learned to love this community and desired for our churches to engage with current issues of police brutality against Black lives. Much of the content for this discussion came through the resources of our communities.
This ebook can be adapted even as similar stories have risen surrounding Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and many others. And though we are writing from the perspective of the Chinese Immigrant Church, we believe that this material can be used in many different contexts.
We hope that this ebook can help your churches take steps forward in the areas of Biblical reconciliation and justice.
Increasingly, InterVarsity students and staff are becoming aware of the Native people on their campuses and in their communities. I hope this story, and the ideas that follow, will give you concrete steps you can take to build relationships of respect, honor and trust with Native people.
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