How do we pursue multiethnic ministry and become a community that more deeply reflects the unity and diversity of God’s people? One of the best places to start is in the area of ethnic identity, the
Why do churched students sometimes have the hardest time "getting" reconciliation? If we want to disciple students (and others) into Biblical reconciliation, we need to have some awareness of their
What are some ways to bring reconciliation and mission together in the context of every day ministry? New York Urban Project Director Jonathan Walton will be presenting some of their program's
2015 will not be business as usual for the country, perhaps the world. Like you, I was shocked to hear of the 170 cities in the US that protested with Ferguson residents, and more broadly Tokyo and
In the wake of the grand jury decisions in Ferguson and Staten Island, our nation, our cities and our churches have erupted in protest, unrest and division. We're all experiencing it
Our region has been deeply impacted by the events surrounding the shooting death of Michael Brown in St. Louis back in August, including both the ongoing protests and Grand Jury investigation.
How does the Bible shape our views on immigration? For many Christians, the answer sadly is “Hardly at all.” Immigration feels like a political issue. The Bible seems irrelevant in a conversation focused on law and fairness and economics.
If you've ever tried to grow your ministry in diversity, you've undoubtedly encountered these questions: How do faith and ethnicity intersect? Is ethnicity a biblically-valid part of our Christian
“Every culture is fallen, but every culture can be redeemed by God.” My InterVarsity friends first taught me this decades ago, and I continue to lean into this truth today. Here are two questions