Diverse worship is a powerful and strategic way to mobilize your ministry in the areas of evangelism, discipleship, ethnic identity awareness, cross-cultural servanthood, hospitality, leadership development, vision casting and many other aspects of our campus mission. This library is designed to unleash the potential of your ministry through the important arena of musical worship. Check out the summary video on the left to learn more and explore the resources below. We hope that it can serve you, your ministry and the diverse communities you are reaching with the Gospel!



In this paper, the Urbana 03 worship team explores the roles of the worship leader, distinct musical elements, use of time, important themes and overall atmosphere in four worship traditions found in North America: Latino, African American, Asian American and Caucasian North American.

What do you think of when you think of worship? How does musical worship contribute to our discipleship, our community and our mission? This video from InterVarsity's Multiethnic Ministries challenges us to expand our understanding of worship and participate in God's diverse kingdom now.

A brief overview on the diversity of worship postures in the Bible.

We all have a worship culture. The ways we worship have been shaped by our unique experiences in our families, churches and the various communities we've been a part of.


The song, Debemos Decir Y Hacer La Verdad (We Must Speak and Carry Out The Truth), was gifted to the Urbana Student Missions Conference by Compa, InterVarsity's sister movement in Mexico.

A joyful French praise chorus, based on Psalm 63, sung through the Carribbean, Quebec, France, Fracophone Africa, and the Middle East.

This hymn was written as a poem in 1901 by American pastor Maltbie Babcock, inspired by the frequent walks he took amidst the natural beauty of upstate New York.

This is a popular Korean worship song by Korean artist Kim Young Beom (김영범) that is sung in Korean-speaking churches around the world.


Diverse Worship Matters Video Series