Beyond Colorblind is a five part series that encourages honest discussion about the beauty, brokenness, redemption, and restoration of the gospel and our ethnic journeys.
Beyond Colorblind is a five part series that encourages honest discussion about the beauty, brokenness, redemption, and restoration of the gospel and our ethnic journeys.
Beyond Colorblind is a five part series that encourages honest discussion about the beauty, brokenness, redemption, and restoration of the gospel and our ethnic journeys.
In this paper, the Urbana 03 worship team explores the roles of the worship leader, distinct musical elements, use of time, important themes and overall atmosphere in four worship traditions found in North America: Latino, African American, Asian American and Caucasian North American.
What do you think of when you think of worship? How does musical worship contribute to our discipleship, our community and our mission? This video from InterVarsity's Multiethnic Ministries challenges us to expand our understanding of worship and participate in God's diverse kingdom now.
We all have a worship culture. The ways we worship have been shaped by our unique experiences in our families, churches and the various communities we've been a part of.
This resource emerged from a 2012 workshop delivered by Celeste Handy at the “WJEF - Would Jesus Eat Frybread? And Other Native Questions About Jesus” Conference. As someone who has spent many years
In a world of individualized thinking, it can be hard to see how white responsibility could be any different from anyone else's.In South Africa there is a word used to describe the very essence of