Our region has been deeply impacted by the events surrounding the shooting death of Michael Brown in St. Louis back in August, including both the ongoing protests and Grand Jury investigation.
Though the tragedy of this situation could lead us to a place of fearful disengagement, God is calling us to embody a faithful presence that our campuses and cities so desperately need.
We sense an invitation from God for our region to engage with the issues of justice and reconciliation raised by this tragedy such that God’s kingdom could be more fully expressed in our movement and our region at large.
Though we don’t know for sure, it is likely that the Grand Jury currently investigating whether or not to press charges against Officer Darren Wilson will be announcing its decision sometime very soon. This decision will be a significant one for our cities, campuses and churches.
Rather than merely being responsive to what happens, we are taking a proactive posture of engagement. Toward that end, our region created this free response packet for your ministry to use.
In this packet you will find:
- Resources to help familiarize yourself with the issues surrounding the case, both the immediate, on-the-ground particulars and their larger systemic and Biblical ramifications.
- Concrete actions that your ministry can take in your community and on campus.
- Ministry opportunities to help your community respond to this tragedy with prayer, lament and worship.
Though the tragedy of this situation could lead us to a place of fearful disengagement, we believe God is calling us to embody a faithful presence that our campuses and cities so desperately need.
Please join us in praying for the manifestation of God’s kingdom in our midst, and may he continue to empower our community as agents of reconciliation as this situation unfolds.
(Special thanks to all those staff who contributed to this resource, in particular: Brandi Miller, who contributed the Police Brutality Proxe Station, Scott Bessenecker, who provided insights on Lament, and InterVarsity's Global Urban Trek Leadership Core who created the Liturgy for the Poor.)

"3 Ways to Engage with Ferguson" by Jon Hietbrink and Howie Meloch
"Leadership Lessons from Ferguson: Asian American and Black Staff Growing Together" by Ellen Hofman