I’ve heard many of my peers talk about the relevance and effectiveness of the ethnic specific ministries: Should ethnic specific ministries exist? Is it a broken model of ministry?
“Hide the Asians!” That was a suggestion from a Chinese American student leader as our InterVarsity fellowship prepared for freshman outreach. For the past couple years, our student leadership core
Ask around and I’ll bet you’ll find 144 different reasons to value ethnic specific ministry. You’ll hear lots of those reasons right here on this blog. But ethnic specific ministry also makes some of
One of the concerns we hear when we talk about ethnic specific ministry is that – even if it might help us reach unreached corners of campus – ethnic specific ministry goes against the Bible. Is this
If you've ever tried to grow your ministry in diversity, you've undoubtedly encountered these questions: How do faith and ethnicity intersect? Is ethnicity a biblically-valid part of our Christian
Is your ministry hoping to reach new communities and populations? Are you praying for opportunities to make strategic Kingdom impact? God is doing some amazing things in and through
When we think of multiethnic ministry, there is a common perspective that there is just no place for ethnic specific ministry because it leads to tribalism and divides Christians. But as the Director
We are often asked why we have "ethnic specific" fellowships. The questions are often rooted in the belief that focusing intentionally on an ethnic group or groups is unbiblical
“Every culture is fallen, but every culture can be redeemed by God.” My InterVarsity friends first taught me this decades ago, and I continue to lean into this truth today. Here are two questions