If you've ever tried to grow your ministry in diversity, you've undoubtedly encountered these questions:
- How do faith and ethnicity intersect?
- Is ethnicity a biblically-valid part of our Christian identity?
- Is God colorblind?
Answering these questions can be complicated and intimidating for any leader.
So in this 7-minute video, we answer those questions for you and explain, from a biblical perspective, exactly why ethnicity matters.
We also explain the purpose of our different strategies that make up our approach to multiethnic ministry:
- Ethnic Specific Ministry: Ministries that focus on certain ethnic groups.
- Ethnic General Ministry: Ministries that integrate different ethnic groups.
If you are seeking to grow your chapter or ministry in a deeper understanding of multiethnicity and diversity, we believe that it is essential to have a robust, holistic and Biblical perspective on ethnicity.
Watch and Discuss in Community
If you've found this video helpful, consider watching and discussing it with your community or your leadership team. Download this free discussion guide.
And remember: whether or not you are a part of an ethnic specific ministry or an ethnic general ministry, both models are intended to reflect multiethnicity in different ways. Both need to be intentional to emphasize ethnic identity and racial reconciliation in discipleship, knowing that each value empowers the other.