Though racial strife and divisions have always been present in our country, events of this past year — the killings of Black men and women by police officers, the tragic shooting in Charleston, SC
With the recent opening of the movie "Aloha" many Asian American groups have cried foul for director Cameron Crowe whitewashing Hawaiʻi. Crowe states that Emma Stone's character is supposed to be a
Author's note: I live in the city and have been experiencing firsthand the national guard on my block, my husband staying out all night to protect businesses from looting and participating in
How does the topic of reconciliation relate to our mission as Christians, particularly at a time when racial tension is so prevelant in our cities, campuses and churches?
What are some ways to bring reconciliation and mission together in the context of every day ministry? New York Urban Project Director Jonathan Walton will be presenting some of their program's
Why do churched students sometimes have the hardest time "getting" reconciliation? If we want to disciple students (and others) into Biblical reconciliation, we need to have some awareness of their
We have been grateful for the permission to host a discussion and prayer gathering at our Chinese immigrant churches. People came with varying degrees of engagement with current events, held
The Sunday following the non-indictment of officer Darren Wilson, we had the opportunity to host a discussion and prayer gathering in the English congregations of our Chinese immigrant churches. We
“Every culture is fallen, but every culture can be redeemed by God.” My InterVarsity friends first taught me this decades ago, and I continue to lean into this truth today. Here are two questions